Palestine in the Conscience of Islamic Scholars
These days, we are witnessing the normalization of relations between some regimes in the region and the usurping Zionist regime, which seems to be a continuous project; These regimes have abandoned their Islamic and even human duty to support the oppressed people of Palestine and to support Islamic truth, justice and brotherhood.
Therefore, the forthcoming book, which includes fatwas and speeches of Shiite and Sunni thinkers on the issue of Palestine and the obligation to support it and the sanctity of normalizing relations with Israel, has been written with the skill of a powerful Islamic scholar, Professor Mohammad Saedi in 244 pages. This book consists of three chapters. The first chapter deals with the fatwas and speeches of Sunni thinkers on the issue, which their number reaches to thirty scholars and thinkers, including: Dr. Ahmad Omar Hashem, Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmoud, Sheikh Abdul Majid Salim, Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra, Sheikh Mohammad Seyed Tantawi and Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltout and ...
In the second chapter, the author deals with the fatwas and speeches of thirty Shiite scholars about Palestine, including: Imam Khomeini, Imam Khamenei, Ayatollah Sistani, Ayatollah Khoei, Sheikh Mohammad Hussein Kashif al-Ghita’, Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi and ...

Teachings in Contemporary Jurisprudence Vol. 2 (10 Volumes)
This book is one of the most complete research activities in the field of contemporary jurisprudence. This 10-volume encyclopedia, written by the Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Ibrahim Jannati, is a contemporary argumentative jurisprudence course that includes all the chapters of jurisprudence from Taharat to Diyyat. The second volume of this book is related to the “Kitab al-Taharat” (Book of Purification), which includes topics such as: Ahkam al-Miah (the rules of water), Wudhu’ (ablution), Ghusl al-Janabah, Ahkam a-Heidh (the rules of menstruation), al-Istihadha, al-Nifas, al-Mutahharat (purifications), al-Nijasat (impurity), Ahkam al-Shahid (the rules of martyrs), and Tayammum from the five Islamic denominations: Imami, Shafi‘i, Maliki, Hanbali, Hanafi.
Wiki Wahdat (Encyclopedia of the Unity of Islamic Denominations)
It is a digital encyclopedia (internet, electronic, virtual) and affiliated with the World Forum for the Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, which has started its activities in the field of creating a culture of unity of the Islamic Ummah and in the field of proximity of Islamic schools of thought. In fact, “Wiki Wahdat” is a virtual encyclopedia that aims to express concepts, words, terms, personalities, institutions, books, etc. in the field of unity and proximity of Islamic schools of thought. In other words, Wiki Wahdat is the sponsor of all the heritage produced in this field. In this regard, the words that are necessary to understand this goal will be mentioned in this encyclopedia. This encyclopedia, considers two levels of audiences, general audiences as well as specific audiences, produces content related to the category of Islamic unity and approximation between Islamic religions. Vocabulary and terms available in scientific, historical, geographical, jurisprudential, principled, persons, beliefs, etc. can be presented and designed on Wiki Wahdat. The approach of Wiki Wahdat is to provide content from authoritative sources among the sects (Shiites and Sunnis) and not to stir up issues that lead to religious differences. The authors of the Virtual Encyclopedia of Islamic Unity (Wiki Wahdat) refrain from providing personal opinions and leave it to the readers to judge scientific and historical differences.